Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Reaction Essay for Persepolis

To Be Independent

In “Persepolis” written by Marjane Satrapi, the author shows us the importance of being independent. The chapter that contain it is “The Soup”, because here where Marjane learned how to be independent in her own life without any help from others. So when Marjane travelled to Vienna for 11 days which turn out to be 4 years later. Zozo and and her daughter Shirin, who she knew from the childhood, they came to get her from the airport. But during the stay in Zozo’s house, Zozo and her husband Houshang were having fights every day when Marjane was staying with them. After the 11 days in Zozo’s house, Zozo advised Marjane to live in a house that is full of nuns. So, she have moved there and she got a new roommate and a friend called Lucia. From here, she knew that no one is going to help her and look after her. As a result of that, she has to wash her clothes, buy groceries, and spend the money wisely.
In my opinion, it is the most important part for me, because when you are away from your family there is nobody is caring you. You have to go shopping for food like Marjane, balance your pendings, and cleaning after her. Eventually, you can learn the adult life from now and know how the life is harsh when you are by your own.

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