Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Reaction Essay for Persepolis

To Be Independent

In “Persepolis” written by Marjane Satrapi, the author shows us the importance of being independent. The chapter that contain it is “The Soup”, because here where Marjane learned how to be independent in her own life without any help from others. So when Marjane travelled to Vienna for 11 days which turn out to be 4 years later. Zozo and and her daughter Shirin, who she knew from the childhood, they came to get her from the airport. But during the stay in Zozo’s house, Zozo and her husband Houshang were having fights every day when Marjane was staying with them. After the 11 days in Zozo’s house, Zozo advised Marjane to live in a house that is full of nuns. So, she have moved there and she got a new roommate and a friend called Lucia. From here, she knew that no one is going to help her and look after her. As a result of that, she has to wash her clothes, buy groceries, and spend the money wisely.
In my opinion, it is the most important part for me, because when you are away from your family there is nobody is caring you. You have to go shopping for food like Marjane, balance your pendings, and cleaning after her. Eventually, you can learn the adult life from now and know how the life is harsh when you are by your own.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Portfolio

Hi everyone, I would like to welcome you to my portfolio. For this project, I was interested in discussing the issue of the Global Warming in the Earth. As a human who is a part of this world, it is my responsibility to talk about some problems like the global warming and find a solution for it, also because it is a very controversial topic we have nowadays. 

So, for this issue there are two sides that people are standing behind what they believe: people who are saying that the fossil fuel is the most effective resource, and other people who are saying that we have to reduce using the fossil fuel as much as we can.

Here is a video I made that summarizes the topic.

 In addition, I have made an essay for it. It talking about the global warming in general, and explain some people's views about this topic from some pages in the internet. Also, if you do no understand some words in the essay I have put some explenation for some the vocabularies. So I would really solve this problem or at least alert people what going around them.

Finally, I wold like to share with you my opinion which is reduce the usage of fossil fuels, and if you want to get in details see my essay and my video up.

Thanks for your time,

The Final Video (( The World is Hot ))

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Arrgument Essay: The World is Getting Fever

The Earth used to be green and pure before these days. It wasn’t complains from anything before these human activities nowadays. The atmosphere was clean and with no holes on it, and the north pole was holding together. Average (Earth) temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree celsius ) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. But human activities are changing all of the Earth into a time alarm which is Global Warming. It reducing the age of the Earth every time when the Global Warming getting increase. It also, changing the Earth and how it used to be fresh decades ago . However, we should stop using the fossil fuel which is the main reason behind the global warming.

Annotated Bibliography for Global Warming

In the article “ Global Warming ”, author Ron Paul explains the recent concern about global warming and the raising of the temperature in the globe. The big question is about who cause the warming which is the human activities or the nature itself. There is a geological evidence shows that in the 12th century of the earth got through a hot time during which Greenland was really green, and it helps the people in the north to be rich. There used to be mini ice age, the polar ice caps got increase, by the time the population got high which cause the vanish of greenlands. Furthermore, the since prove that the human’s activities are involve in global warming. The author thinks that there are some approaches to stop damages and start to protect our environment. He believes that we have to make some companies that only use the oil, and stop fighting over it. Moreover, the government should stop using the oil and look for alternative power, and it can not put her money on this case, because it going to create a chaos like when the U.S. government thought about the ethanol. Congress says that we need more natural power, so they start doing the ethanol corn fields. But later they discover that this idea is not effective, because it take more power than it produce. On the other hand, the ethanol that comes from hemp is more effective which is illegal, but there is little progress in this idea and as a result of that the corn is using as a fuel instead of eating or feeding livestocks which it makes the prices of the food high. finally, if you let the government take choices instead of the market hoping that it not going to happen in the future.

In the article “ Global Warming ”, author Aniruddh Kothari explain the aliments called greenhouse gases that are causing the heat and the damages in the atmosphere.In addition, The effects of the greenhouse gases such as radiations toward the Earth called the Greenhouse effects. As a result of that, the Earth’s temperature is stop changing because of the greenhouse operation which maintain the heat without any changes. He also describe the carbon dioxide and it’s effects. So, In the past the human used to burn the trees and some fossil fuel which produce the carbon dioxide. The increasing the level of carbon dioxide has led to the high heat. The author also mention the water vapor which is scientifically has been approved that it is playing a big role in causing the heat to the Earth. It will affect on the Earth by causing the melting of the ice which increase the level of the water, and also change the rainfall times.

Increase your knowladge with words

1- Fluctuation [fluhk-choo-ey-shuhn]
Forms: noun
Definition: continual change from one point or condition to another.
Sentence: Indeed it is the fluctuation in land prices and not housing building costs that is the problem

Monday, February 25, 2013

Words to Keep in Mind

The New word to Learn:

1- Substantially [səbˈstanCHəlē]
Forms: noun
Definition: To a great or significant extent, also for the most part; essentially.
Sentence: profits grew substantially.

2- Fluctuation  [fluhk-choo-ey-shuhn]
Forms: noun
Definition: continual change from one point or condition to another.
Sentence: Indeed it is the fluctuation in land prices and not housing building costs that is the problem.

3- virtually  [vur-choo-uh-lee]
Forms: adverb
Definition: For the most part; almost wholly.
Sentence: He is virtually unknown.

4- stimulate [stimyəˌlā]
Forms: Verb
Definition: Raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system).
Sentence: the reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.

5- incentive [in-sen-tiv]
Forms: noun
Definition: something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward
Sentence: The rising cost of electricity provides a strong incentive to conserve energy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Are we doing well to sustain our environment ?

Are we doing well to sustain our environment ?

We are polluting the environment with bad materials and toxins as if the capacity of the environment to absorb them were limitless.

Such as in Kuwait back in 1991, when Kuwait and Iraq had a war between them which left a huge damage on the environment by dumping the oil in the desert and burn it. Also, it make a big harm on the Arbian Gulf sea which kills a lot of the sea animals and birds. We can prevent these damages on the environment by stop fighting over the oil and also stop starting wars over it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Guide to Denver’s Go-kart Tracks !

I think we should try this out !
Don't you agree with me guys ?